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Blood donation is a voluntary activity which can help save lives. There are various blood donation methods. Each variety assists with various medicinal requirements. All transfusions need the use of donor blood, which has no substitute.

Blood is needed regularly for patients undergoing surgery, recovering from trauma, managing chronic diseases, and battling cancer. This vital process is a lifesaver, keeping people alive and potentially saving them. 

A shortage of donated blood causes 12,000 deaths every day in India. India has an 11 million blood collection, while it requires 15 million, leaving a 4 million unit shortfall. Donating blood is the most valuable gift you can give to others since blood is the essence of life.

Even if science and technology have advanced to incredible heights, blood and its constituent parts remain indispensable. Our patients would not be able to undergo life-saving procedures, receive the care they need to recover from cancer or go about their daily lives without blood donations. In fact, regular transfusions are necessary for the survival of some patients with specific medical problems, such as sickle cell anemia and clotting abnormalities.

Donating blood can save numerous lives and is an easy process. If you do regular blood donations, consider how many lives you could save! The following article helps you understand the importance of blood donation in detail.

Every Unit Of Donated Blood Can Save Someone’s Life!

Did you know? Every pint of your donated blood can save up to three lives. According to statistics, there are 234 million major surgeries, 63 million surgeries due to trauma, 31 million procedures connected to cancer, and 10 million issues related to pregnancy that necessitate blood transfusions in India.

You can donate blood every three months. It only takes 48 hours for your body fluids to be completely replaced. The shelf-life of donated blood is 35 to 42 days. As a result, there is a continuous need to replenish stocks in our blood banks.

Exploring The Myths And Reality About Blood Donation

The following are some myths and reality about blood donation:

  1. Donating blood can make you sick: Blood donation will not make someone less healthy than they were before. A person's blood volume returns to normal within 48 hours of donation, primarily due to an increase in plasma. The body will replenish all of the red blood cells lost in 4–8 weeks.
  2. Older adults cannot give blood: In general, there is no upper age limit for blood donation. People who are aged above 17 years and weighing at least 50 kg can donate blood unless they don’t have any underlying medical conditions.
  3. People who are taking medications can not donate blood: It is actually a partial myth. People taking medications like anticoagulants, and antiplatelet medications should not donate blood. You can speak with your healthcare provider before donating blood if you can donate blood.
  4. Giving blood is time-consuming: Blood donation generally takes around 8-10 minutes to complete the procedure.
  5. If I receive blood, I might get infections: There are certain infections which are transmitted through blood. But before undergoing a blood transfusion, your healthcare professionals will screen the blood rigorously to avoid the chances of getting infections.
  6. Donating blood is painful: Blood donation does not cause much pain. You may experience much less pain once the needle is inserted into your pain, after which you can sit and relax during the whole procedure.
  7. People who have tattoos or piercings do not donate blood: It is generally advised people to wait for 3 months after tattooing or piercing to donate blood to avoid the risk of infections. But after that period, they can donate blood.
  8. People with high cholesterol and high blood pressure do not donate blood: You can donate blood with high or low cholesterol levels or having systolic blood pressure lower than 180 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure lower than 100 mm Hg, they can donate blood. However, check with your healthcare professionals once you donate blood as certain medications you take may restrict you from donating blood.

Exploring The Benefits Of Blood Donation

While many people are aware that donating is in fact more profitable to the donor than to the recipient, few are aware of the number of ways in which blood donation is actually a beneficial thing for the donor to do. The following are the benefits of blood donation:

  • Every time you donate blood, you can save up to 3 lives!
  • Before donating blood, you will undergo certain screening tests which are free of cost and help you to identify any underlying infections or diseases at earlier stages.
  • People who donate blood regularly have a lower chance of getting high blood pressure and heart attacks.
  • It has also been supported through research, that carrying out acts of kindness are associated with improved mental health and an improved lifespan. Therefore, instead of just prolonging the lives of the patients needing it, donating blood is actually a way of taking care of yourself too. 


​​Donating blood is a simple, safe, and rewarding experience. Before donating blood, you must be at least 16 or 17 years old, weigh at least 50 kg, and be in generally good health. Once the pre-donation screening is done, you will proceed to a donor bed where your arm will be cleaned with an antiseptic, and a professional will use a blood donation kit to draw blood from a vein in your arm. During the donation process, you will donate one unit of blood; this takes about six to ten minutes.

Donating blood was always considered a heroic deed, but it is now also linked to self-care. As previously demonstrated, you may be contributing to the lives of up to three people each time you give, but that is not all. You must get a check-up before being permitted to donate, in case you have high blood pressure or are at risk of having a heart attack. Moreover, blood donation is listed among the World's Happiest Things; a fact that many people might not be aware of because it has been shown to improve mental health and longevity. Taken another way, giving blood not only helps various individuals and causes but also looks out for each donor's personal health.

If you have any concerns regarding blood donation and blood transfusion, Make an appointment with our specialists at Eternal Hospital

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: Is donating blood healthy?

A: Yes. Your blood flow will improve and arterial obstructions will decrease if you donate blood at least once a year.

Q: What to eat after blood donation?

A: Make sure you eat a diet higher in nutrient-dense foods, particularly those high in iron and vitamin C, after donating blood. Green peas, cashews, almonds, raisins, apricots, tomatoes, oranges, eggs, meats, and wholemeal bread are a few nutritious possibilities. Keep yourself hydrated and drink lots of water.

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