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There are various activities that you indulge knowingly and unknowingly on a daily basis. We do a lot of things in our day to day life without even realizing how these can affect us in the long run. But sooner or later, their effects will catch up to you. Even many side-effects become visible, making you realize how you have been taking your health for granted. But some of these can have a direct or indirect impact on your overall health, including heart's health. Your heart, too, can easily get affected by your lifestyle choices and daily activities. Wondering how? In this blog, we'll be explaining in detail how some common habits can contribute to your heart problems with help from the best heart doctor in India at Eternal Hospital.

But the biggest risk factor for heart diseases is following a sedentary lifestyle. The more you spend sitting, the less you're moving. And the less time you spend moving, the more you increase your risk. Even if you exercise regularly, Sitting a lot can negate the benefits of exercising. Hence, some are even saying that sitting is the new smoking. It’s because there's new evidence that has shown that sitting for long periods can have a profound negative effect on your health. A recent study by the medical fraternity has found evidence that sitting for long periods is a risk factor for heart failure. Hence, you may require frequent medications or complex surgical procedures like TAVR surgery in India. But why sitting too much can be so dangerous to your heart?

What happens when you sit too much?
Sitting all day can damage your body in more than one way, such as:

It slows down the blood flow, allowing fatty acids to build up in the blood vessels and develop heart disease.

It hinders your body’s ability to process fats and increases the amount of fat in your blood. Also, your body’s production of lipoprotein lipase decreases, causing your body to store more fat.

It can also cause insulin resistance, leading to type 2 diabetes and obesity and increasing your risk of heart disease.

When you sit in one place for extended periods, your bones become weaker. Hence, your entire skeletal system can feel negative effects, including inflammation and other heart-related symptoms.

When you don't exercise your body too much, your muscles can lose strength and can't support other body systems.

It can affect your brain functions as blood flow to the brain slows when you’re sedentary. It reduces the amount of oxygen your brain receives, which can hinder necessary body functions.

Hence, try to follow an active lifestyle and avoid sitting for extended periods. But apart from sitting, there are many risk factors that can also affect your heart health. Hence, you can easily commit to a heart-healthy lifestyle by simply avoiding these habits. Here are a few of these daily habits:

Drinking too much alcohol:
Indulging in too much alcohol can cause high BP, stroke, and obesity. All of these can significantly increase your risk for heart disease. According to medical experts, drinking more than two drinks is enough to interrupt your normal heart rhythm and even lead to heart failure. However, it’s okay to have the occasional cocktail or glass of wine from time to time. But you have to protect your heart by keeping your alcohol intake in check.

Too much stress:
When you're under stress, your body releases adrenaline, which can affect how your body functions. It can increase heart rate and your blood pressure may also rise. Hence, too much stress can damage blood vessels in the heart over time and increase your risk for heart attack and failure. You have to minimize the harmful effects of stress by talking with a trusted friend or family member to relieve mental tension, try moderate-intensity exercise on most days of the week and plan ahead to help prevent rushing to get everything done.

Not flossing daily:
Various studies have found that bacteria associated with gum disease causes inflammation in the body, which can increase the risk for heart disease. Hence, you should floss daily to keep your gums healthy and your heart healthier.

Using too much salt:
Excessive use of sodium can cause high BP, a risk factor for heart disease. Hence, try to consume less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day.

Not getting enough sleep:
Like your mind and body, your cardiovascular system also needs rest. But sleep deprivation can cause high cortisol and adrenaline levels, inducing stress levels and heart problems. Hence, try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to keep your heart's health in check.

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