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A silent heart attack is one that manifests as either no symptoms at all or very subtle signs. It is possible for someone to have a heart attack without realizing it until weeks or months after they are diagnosed. A silent heart attack is a loss of blood flow to the heart that happens painlessly and is frequently caused by clogged arteries. People who experience no discomfort may be unaware that they are having a heart attack and may choose not to seek medical assistance. 

Compared to a regular heart attack, the symptoms of a silent heart attack are less severe. The silent heart attack symptoms frequently are confused with other medical conditions. Any symptoms that appear as basic as fatigue, heartburn, pain in the muscle, indigestion, or lightheadedness may be ignored by the patient. If they are tested for other symptoms, that's when they can discover they've suffered a heart attack.

According to the statistics of the American Heart Association (AHA), about 170,000 of the 805,000 heart attacks that occur each year are thought to be silent heart attacks.

Understanding The Symptoms Of A Silent Heart Attack:

Certain individuals might not have signs or symptoms of a silent heart attack, whereas others might experience vague symptoms that they fail to associate with a heart attack. The following are the symptoms of a silent heart attack:

If you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, pay attention because silent heart attack symptoms are often unnoticed.

Who Is At Risk Of Developing Silent Heart Attack?

You are at a higher risk for the development of a silent heart attack if you have:

How To Diagnose A Silent Heart Attack?

A diagnosis may be made after a heart attack has happened because the patient is unlikely to notice symptoms or connect them with a silent heart attack. Until they rule out other medical conditions, a doctor might not identify a silent heart attack.  A doctor can diagnose a silent heart attack with the help of the following tests:

How Is A Silent Heart Attack Treated?

Silent heart attacks do not exhibit any symptoms and the symptoms of silent heart attack are often confused with the symptoms of other disease conditions. Because of this reason, many people do not even recognize they are having a silent heart attack. However, when a patient displays symptoms of a heart attack, an emergency room physician will start medical treatment immediately and consult with a cardiologist to determine whether an emergency stent should be placed.

Emergency treatment options include:

  • Aspirin to prevent clotting
  • Heparin or other anticoagulants
  • Beta-blockers
  • Nitroglycerin, which improves blood flow and reduces the burden on the heart
  • Oxygen therapy

If doctors diagnose a previous silent heart attack, they may advise taking the following drugs to help to lower the risk of another silent heart attack in future.

  • Aspirin
  • Anticoagulants or anti-clotting medications 
  • Statins
  • Beta-blockers
  • Antihypertensives such as ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor blockers to control high blood pressure 
  • Fish oil

What Happens If A Silent Heart Attack Is Left Untreated?

A silent heart attack happens without recognizable symptoms. It can take months or even years for someone to discover that they have experienced a silent heart attack. Fatigue, a sensation of a back or chest muscle spasm, and nausea are possible symptoms. The timing of a person's discovery of a heart attack will determine how they are treated. If left untreated, it can lead to the following complications:

You can avoid these complications by having regular health care checkups, eating a heart-friendly diet, limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding smoking, consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, involving in regular exercises, and maintaining healthy body weight.


You might not even be aware that you've had a silent heart attack until weeks or months after it occurs because, in many circumstances, there are no symptoms. It's vital to understand what your body can tolerate and seek medical attention when anything doesn't seem right. It can be easier to spot a silent heart attack if you are aware of the usual silent heart attack symptoms. Make sure you visit your healthcare practitioner for routine examinations. Treating medical conditions that may result in a heart attack is another way that you might help yourself. A better diet and increased exercise can also be beneficial.

If you have any heart-related problems, make an appointment with the cardiologists at Eternal Hospital to get personalized care and advanced treatment options. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: What Are The Symptoms Of A Silent Heart Attack?

A: Silent heart attack symptoms are often unrecognized as they generally thought to be the symptoms of other diseases. But pay attention if you experience lightheadedness, discomfort, pain in the jaws, back or upper arms, sweating, severe tiredness etc as these could be the symptoms of a silent heart attack.

Q:What is the duration of silent heart attack symptoms?

A: When silent heart attacks do occur, the symptoms could last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. They may appear and disappear, or they may begin slowly and progressively get worse. In the event that you have persistent pain and shortness of breath, you should  seek immediate medical attention.

Q: Which hospital is the best for treating heart related issues in India?

A: Eternal Hospital is a multi speciality hospital and is considered as one of the best cardiology hospitals in India. To get treatment for your heart related problems, make an appointment with cardiologists at Eternal Hospital.

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